What We Do

The Gresham Society provides support for Gresham College. Membership is open to Gresham Professors (both past and present), to members of Council and the Joint Grand Gresham Committee and to others who have shown a special interest in the College.

The Society enables supporters of the College to meet each other informally at various events from time to time, where they may identify each other via the celebrated grasshopper badge, cuff links and ties. The Society encourages former professors to keep in touch with the College's activities and also enables current professors to meet sponsors from the Mercers' Company and the Corporation of the City of London, as well as regular members of the Gresham audience. it included 40+ Gresham professors and fellows; 14 professors from other places; 2 Heads of House; 23 City grandees; 11 assorted knights, barons and dames; 4 Lords and Ladies; 8 clerics (from Bishops to Jesuits); 3 ex-VCs and one current one; 1 senior military officer; 1 vice lieutenant for London and 2 Queen's Counsel.

Life membership of the Society is £50, which goes towards the costs of administration. Cheques are payable to The Gresham Society. You may also pay by bank transfer to the Gresham Society, Bank of Scotland, 12-11-03, account number 00561473.

There are several activities during the year (paid for by members) which are usually rather more social than the formal lectures. Once a year, usually in late January or early February, the Annual General Meeting is held, followed by a Dinner. There is the biennial Soirée where members can display their own particular talents, and visits are arranged to places of interest. We plan to go to Mail Rail in the Spring and Titsey Place in Surrey next summer as there is a Gresham family connection.

Applications for membership, which are scrutinised by the Chairman and the Committee, require two referees: one member of the Gresham Society Committee and one other member of the Society.

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